Monday, Apr 29, 2024

Mamoru Horiguchi 个人项目——Smiling Baby


日本摄影师Mamoru Horiguchi相信笑容的力量,相信笑容虽然无法举起铁块,使山峰崩塌,或在空中飞行,但是笑容能使人们欣喜,无需语言而互相沟通,因为见到他们的人,都露出了笑容。因此有了这个始于2007年,持续了6年的SMILING BABY摄影项目。“我们希望通过婴儿的照片,使地球充满快乐”,Mamoru说。




Japanese photographer Mamoru Horiguchi started his Smiling Baby Project since 1997, which is an ongoing non-profit photography project featuring babies’ smiles in Japan and worldwide. He believes that there are special strength in each one of the smiles and babies are usually the best smilers, who by using smile convey the happiness and joy to the world.

For more details on this project, please go to


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Gary Sheppard 摄影作品——枪支店主



Gary Sheppard,澳洲商业摄影师,现居悉尼。他的作品沉稳且细节丰富,经得起细细审视,让人意犹未尽;他的肖像作品擅长捕捉到处于不同环境下的被摄者们的内心瞬间, 因此常常被评价为是一位会讲故事的摄影师。以上作品来自他的“Roadtrip America”系列(个人项目,始于2004年)的最新一辑照片故事——枪支商店的主人们。枪文化在美国有250年的历史,现在已经成为了美国精神的一部分,而出售枪支的枪店,理所当然地就成为了这一文化精神的窗口。Gary的画面旨在表现那些枪支商店的主人们从事这个行业的自豪以及他们对美国式自由的骄傲。


Gary Sheppard is an advertising photographer based in Sydney, Australia and working mainly throughout Australasia. Here are works from his latest American roadtrip, which is a series of portraits of gunshop owners. Gary tries to shoot a few more of portraits to add to his collection each time he went to the States since 2004. He said that he asked the simple question, “what thing in your store is the most important or impressive to you?” and it was interesting to see the different responses. Gunshop owners see themselves as providing not just a commercial facility but also a valuable service in the defence of independence and freedom. For more works, please see official site: